The Education & Leadership Foundation offers educational services and ​​Intervention Programs in partnership with School Districts. Services include English Learners, Grades K-12th, Parent education and advocacy, focus on listening, speaking, reading and writing, and STEM. They are administered in the school or in the students’ home.
Lending circles have existed across cultures for a long time. Today, borrowers in the U.S. can use formalized versions of this form of peer-to-peer lending to establish savings, build credit and access small loans among friends and family, between businesses or within their communities.

The Education & Leadership Foundation (ELF) will provide The Empowerment Fellowship. The fellowship provides an opportunity for students to gain work experience while volunteering at one of the following departments: Administration, Education, Immigration, and Special Projects.


Economic Justice Workshops
ELF provides a series of informational workshops to help individuals attain economic stability. ELF targets low-income, hard-to-reach, underserved immigrant individuals who generally cannot obtain traditional employment. Workshops provided include Obtaining an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN), Becoming an Independent Contractor, and Starting your own Business. Furthermore, ELF provides one on one sessions to individuals who need further assistance after participating in a workshop.

California Dream Act Service Incentive Grant
The California Dream Act Service Incentive Grant (DSIG) Program encourages California Dream Act Applicant (CADAA) students with a Cal Grant A award that met Cal Grant B eligibility or a Cal Grant B award to perform community or volunteer service. The California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) will award up to $4,500 per academic year (up to $2,250 per semester or up to $1,500 per quarter) to 1,667 eligible students. The grant will be available to the student for up to 8 semesters or up to 12 quarters while they have an active Cal Grant A or B award. Students must also meet Satisfactory Academic Progress and complete any necessary verification for their Cal Grant award.
Eligible students must apply annually, attend a qualifying institution, have sufficient unmet financial need, and complete service hours in that academic year (July 1 through June 30). Semester students shall perform service hours in 150-hour increments and quarter students shall complete service hours in 100-hour increments. Students can volunteer with Education and Leadership Foundation.
What is an Eligible Student?
Completed and submitted California Dream Act Application (CADAA) for that academic year.
Is an active recipient of a Cal Grant A or Cal Grant B award. Cal Grant A recipients must have met Cal Grant B eligibility.
Demonstrate enough financial need (determined by CSAC or the institution).
Enrolled in a qualifying institution.